What are Do Files?
Do files are program guides which help you, our client, to start or
complete your side of the design process. The results and the timeline
of a successful design is directly related to the amount of effort that
is put into the initial design specifications. This is what you need to
DO, so that we can DO, what we DO!
As our client, you need to be very skillful in setting the
specification, so the final product accurately reflects what will sell
in your market place. This is why we spend so much time on this site
explaining how to write a specification. And, when your are doing this
planning and begin to think about investing your time and monies you
will inevitability ask yourself questions about how this relationship
between us will work. Many of these questions are included here.
In Writing Specifications
A great starting point for writing specifications. Step-by-step
approach and common sense methodology to defining the product. Print
this out and get started.
Confidentiality Agreement
This form provides a Non Disclosure Agreement to protect both parties
from the transfer of confidential information.
Contract for Product Development
This form provides a complete agreement between the Client and
Vancura Innovations including a "Non Disclosure Agreement" and "Warranty".
Acronyms and Term Abbreviations
This list helps identify the acronyms used in the fields of science
and engineering and it also includes term abbreviations to make for
better understanding.
Industry Standards
This file gives many references to industry standard across a wide
variety of disciplines. If you don't know where to look then this is a
place to start. And if that's not enough - then there are links to
popular search engines.
Industry Standard Cross References
This file list industry standard organizations, those responsible for
keeping all marching in step to the same tune.