Channel Talker Instructions for Optional Factory Programmed Custom Message To Your Specification The Channel Talker will voice on four channels. The most efficient format for creating a usable message is to create one common message phrase and four channel specific message phrases. You may have only four specific phrases and as many as 12 common phrases. The common message phrase should contain company and location specific information and the four specific phrases should have only the channel specific information The following examples are not intended to require you to concern yourself with the structure of how the information is stored, but rather that you should design your message with as much common information as possible to maximize the possibility that it will fit in memory. An example that does not waste any memory is as follows:
The common portion of this message should be in a common phrase buffer. It then breaks down nicely to 5 phrases.
A slightly more complex, but acceptable message might look like:
There are potentially two common phrases in this example and might look as follows.
The voicing unit can pronounce numbers, letters, words and sounds. As a result, the phrase "TV" will be pronounced as "Tee Vee". Also KLGB-TV is the same as K L G B T V. If you use a call letter that is to be partially pronounced. please indicate the way it is to be used. For example KRVR FM might be used as an acronym and pronounced as "K River F M". It is also possible to put a tone or bleep as a lead-in to the message. The talking chip has 55 preprogrammed sounds. If a specific word is to be exaggerated, e.g. "Heeeere's Johnny" please indicate how you want it pronounced. Be mindful that the synthesized voice may not be able to do some exaggerations very well. Many words have more than one way to pronounce them. The word "the" is often pronounced as "thee" and as "thuh". Phonemes can reproduce these variations and, if desired, dialect. Please indicate the pronunciation if there is the possibility of confusion. Hard consonants (P, T, K, D, etc) are hard to reproduce faithfully by a synthesizer and will usually sound softer than found in normal human speech. Words taken out of context are also harder to understand. Vancura Innovations will do its best to fit your message into the available space with the sound that you desire. If this cannot be done we will offer an alternative expression and seek your opinion. PLEASE include your email address and phone number with your requested message. Send your message information with the subject line "Channel Talker Custom Program" to: support@vancura-innovations.com
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